Recognizing Stick Graphs with and without Length Constraints


  • Steven Chaplick
  • Philipp Kindermann
  • Andre Löffler
  • Florian Thiele
  • Alexander Wolff
  • Alexander Zaft
  • Johannes Zink



stick graphs , intersection graphs , grid intersection graphs , segment graphs , bipartite graphs , recognition problem , sweep-line , NP-hardness , linear program


Stick graphs are intersection graphs of horizontal and vertical line segments that all touch a line of slope $-1$ and lie above this line. De Luca et al. [De Luca et al. GD'18] considered the recognition problem of stick graphs when no order is given ($\textsf{STICK}$), when the order of either one of the two sets is given ($\textsf{STICK}_{\textsf A}$), and when the order of both sets is given ($\textsf{STICK}_{\textsf{AB}}$). They showed how to solve $\textsf{STICK}_{\textsf{AB}}$ efficiently. In this paper, we improve the running time of their algorithm, and we solve $\textsf{STICK}_{\textsf A}$ efficiently. Further, we consider variants of these problems where the lengths of the sticks are given as input. We show that these variants of $\textsf{STICK}$, $\textsf{STICK}_{\textsf A}$, and $\textsf{STICK}_{\textsf{AB}}$ are all NP-complete. On the positive side, we give an efficient solution for $\textsf{STICK}_{\textsf{AB}}$ with fixed stick lengths if there are no isolated vertices.


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How to Cite

Chaplick, S., Kindermann, P., Löffler, A., Thiele, F., Wolff, A., Zaft, A., & Zink, J. (2020). Recognizing Stick Graphs with and without Length Constraints. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 24(4), 657–681.