Parameterized Complexity of Safe Set
safe set , parameterized complexity , vulnerability parameter , pathwidth , clique-widthAbstract
In this paper we study the problem of finding a small safe set $S$ in a graph $G$, i.e., a non-empty set of vertices such that no connected component of $G[S]$ is adjacent to a larger component in $G - S$. We enhance our understanding of the problem from the viewpoint of parameterized complexity by showing that (1) the problem is W[2]-hard when parameterized by the pathwidth $\mathsf{pw}$ and cannot be solved in time $n^{o(\mathsf{pw})}$ unless the ETH is false, (2) it admits no polynomial kernel parameterized by the vertex cover number $\mathsf{vc}$ unless $\mathrm{PH} = \Sigma^{\mathrm{p}}_{3}$, but (3) it is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by the neighborhood diversity $\mathsf{nd}$, and (4) it can be solved in time $n^{f(\mathsf{cw})}$ for some double exponential function $f$ where $\mathsf{cw}$ is the clique-width. We also present (5) a faster fixed-parameter algorithm when parameterized by the solution size.Downloads
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How to Cite
Belmonte, R., Hanaka, T., Katsikarelis, I., Lampis, M., Ono, H., & Otachi, Y. (2020). Parameterized Complexity of Safe Set. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 24(3), 215–245.
Copyright (c) 2020 Rémy Belmonte, Tesshu Hanaka, Ioannis Katsikarelis, Michael Lampis, Hirotaka Ono, Yota Otachi

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.