Splitting Plane Graphs to Outerplanarity


  • Martin Gronemann TU Wien
  • Martin Nöllenburg TU Wien
  • Anaïs Villedieu TU Wien




vertex splitting, outerplanarity, feedback vertex set


Vertex splitting replaces a vertex by two copies and partitions its incident edges amongst the copies. This problem has been studied as a graph editing operation to achieve desired properties with as few splits as possible, most often planarity, for which the problem is NP-hard.
Here we study how to minimize the number of splits to turn a plane graph into an outerplane one. We tackle this problem by establishing a direct connection between splitting a plane graph to outerplanarity, finding a connected face cover, and finding a feedback vertex set in its dual. We prove NP-completeness for plane biconnected graphs, while we show that a polynomial-time algorithm exists for maximal planar graphs. Additionally, we show upper and lower bounds for certain families of maximal planar graphs. Finally, we provide a SAT formulation for the problem, and evaluate it on a small benchmark.


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How to Cite

Gronemann, M., Nöllenburg, M., & Villedieu, A. (2024). Splitting Plane Graphs to Outerplanarity. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 28(3), 31–48. https://doi.org/10.7155/jgaa.v28i3.2970