Special Issue on Selected Papers from the Seventeenth International Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD 2009
Upward Planarization Layout
Vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 127-155, 2011. Regular paper.
Abstract Recently, we presented a new practical method for upward crossing minimization [], which clearly outperformed existing approaches for drawing hierarchical graphs in that respect. The outcome of this method is an upward planar representation (UPR), a planarly embedded graph in which crossings are represented by dummy vertices. However, straight-forward approaches for drawing such UPRs lead to quite unsatisfactory results. In this paper, we present a new algorithm for drawing UPRs that greatly improves the layout quality, leading to good hierarchal drawings with few crossings. We analyze its performance on well-known benchmark graphs and compare it with alternative approaches.
Submitted: December 2009.
Reviewed: August 2010.
Revised: August 2010.
Accepted: November 2010.
Final: November 2010.
Published: February 2011.
Communicated by David Eppstein and Emden Gansner
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